Theta is the sensitivity of an option’s price to time to maturity.
Theta is the sensitivity of an option’s price to time to maturity.
A reverse osmosis membrane resistant to bacteria and can withstand a wide pH range. Do not use with chlorine.
A tree removal practice that reduces tree density and competition between trees in a stand. Thinning concentrates growth on fewer, high-quality trees, provides periodic income, and generally enhances tree vigor. Heavy thinning can benefit wildlife through the increased growth of ground vegetation. Types of thinning are thinning from above (removing mainly the tallest or “dominant” […]
A prescribed pattern of thinning over time. One example may be to cut 30 percent of the volume at ages 15 and 25, and clear-cut at age 35.
A species likely to become endangered in the foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion of its range unless protected. A threatened species exhibits declining or dangerously low populations, but still has enough members to maintain or increase numbers. See also “endangered species.”
The three lines of defence is a risk governance framework that splits responsibility for operational risk management across three functions. Individuals in the first line own and manage risk directly. The second line oversees the first line, setting policies, defining risk tolerances, and ensuring they are met. The third line, consisting of internal audit, provides […]
The dose or exposure level below which a significant adverse effect is not expected.
An extensive, nearly horizontal, tract of land that is alternately covered and uncovered by the tide and consists of unconsolidated sediment.
The rhythmic, alternate rise and fall of the surface (or water level) of the ocean, and connected bodies of water, occurring twice a day over most of the Earth, resulting from the gravitational attraction of the Moon, and to a lesser degree, the Sun.
Threshold concentration above which there is a high probability of adverse effects on aquatic life from sediment contamination, determined using modified U.S. Environmental Protection Agency USEPA (1996) procedures.