A Title Search is an examination of the public records relating to ownership of a parcel of land.
A Title Search is an examination of the public records relating to ownership of a parcel of land.
The Nature Conservancy: ONG ambiental global, um Bingo: “Big NGO”
Junction of a dam face with the foundation. For an embankment dam, the junction of the upstream face with ground surface is called the upstream toe–the downstream junction is called the downstream toe.
A blockchain-based ERC-721 non-fungible digital asset.
The process utilized by Capturiant to mint a Token on a blockchain and associate that Token with an Asset by creation and assignment of the Serial Number, as more fully described in the Program Requirements.
Those species that are adaptable to (tolerant of) human alterations to the environment and often increase in number when alterations occur.
In some individual protocols, the Reserve may offer the option of “Tonne-Year Accounting” as an alternative mechanism to ensure the permanence of CRTs related to reversible emission reductions. In those cases, the protocol will specify when a project is subject to reversal risk, and how any reversal is to be quantified and compensated.
Metric tons.
A type of module that provides a procedure for performing a specific analysis
A cannabis product where the cannabis active properties are extracted and combined into skin products, such as lotion