The temporary storage and transfer of cannabis or cannabis derivatives from one physical location to another by means of a vehicle, ship, or aircraft
The temporary storage and transfer of cannabis or cannabis derivatives from one physical location to another by means of a vehicle, ship, or aircraft
Screen located at an intake to prevent entry of floating or submerged debris .
A method for assessing willingness to pay using cost data associated with movement to an environmental recreation area.
Economic valuation techniques that use observed costs to travel to a destination to derive demand functions for that destination. Developed to value the recreational use of protected areas, they have limited applicability outside this context.
Wastewater that has been subjected to one or more physical, chemical, and biological processes to reduce its potential of being health hazard.
Site where a hazardous substance is treated, stored, or disposed of. TSD facilities are regulated by ADEQ under RCRA.
A privately owned forest or woodland in which timber crop production is a major management goal. Many tree farms are officially recognized by the American Tree Farm System, an organization sponsored by the American Forestry Council.
The distance between trees, which is most often regulated at the time of planting or during a harvest or thinning operation. Spacing, like stand density, affects understory vegetation, seed production, growth rate, and wildlife habitat.
The amount of wood in a tree. This may be expressed in board feet or cubic feet. It may be gross volume or net volume (gross less defects).
The REDD+ Environmental Excellence Standard