(a) The layer formed by the crowns of smaller trees in a forest. (b) The trees beneath the forest canopy.
(a) The layer formed by the crowns of smaller trees in a forest. (b) The trees beneath the forest canopy.
Underwriter is the person who reviews and evaluates a loan application.
Unencumbered Property is land that has no claims, liens, or mortgages registered against it.
Refers to stands with trees of many ages. With uneven-aged management, cutting is only partial, and regeneration occurs beneath existing trees. Also called the “election system.”
A group of trees of various ages and sizes growing together on a site.
Convenção-Quadro das Nações Unidas sobre Mudança do Clima (UNFCCC: United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change)
Outlet that allows uncontrolled flow through or around a dam.
Unification of Private Law
The form that must be completed and submitted by a Project Developer to Capturiant which adequately and completely describes the Project, the Environmental and Sustainable Development Benefits generated and expected to be generated by the Project, and their conformance to the Capturiant Standard, any Applicable Standard, the terms of these Terms of Service, and the […]
Union of Concerned Researchers in Fashion (UCRF) is a global initiative of fashion and sustainability researchers whose foundation in 2018 was inspired by the example of the Union of Concerned Scientists formed in 1969 over concerns about the misuse of science in support of the status quo and to feed political agendas. The UCRF was […]