A subsurface zone above the water table in which the pore spaces may contain a combination of air and water.
A subsurface zone above the water table in which the pore spaces may contain a combination of air and water.
Upcycling is a form of recycling in which discarded materials or products are converted into items of higher value than the original input. Examples include the use of pre-consumer waste materials such as scraps of leather, polyester or neoprene from the outerwear industry to make bags and other accessories, or re-purposing good-quality older clothing into […]
Of or pertaining to the place(s) from which ground water originated or traveled through before reaching a given point in an aquifer.
A general term for nonwetland; elevated land above low areas along streams or between hills; any elevated region from which rivers gather drainage.
Upward water pressure in the pores of a material or on the base of a structure.
Colorado, New Mexico, Utah and Wyoming.
Upset Price is the reserve bid, set by the court, which sets minimum sale price of the property.
A short forward position taken without an offsetting long physical position in the underlying commodity is said to have upside risk. This means the trader is speculating that the price of the commodity will decline. A long forward position taken without an offsetting short physical position in the underlying commodity is said to have downside […]
The addition of a substance of concern to a reservoir. See also Carbon sequestration and Sink.
A heavy silvery-white metallic element, highly radioactive and easily oxidized. Of the 14 known isotopes of uranium, U238 is the most abundant in nature.