Numerical measure of the lack of symmetry of an asymmetrical frequency distribution.


A machine that is often hinged in the middle and used in the harvesting process to pull logs or trees from the stump to a landing. Two common forms of skidders used are (a) a cable skidder that uses a cable winch and chokers to assemble and hold a load of logs to skid, or […]


The act of moving trees from the site of felling to a leading area or landing. Tractors, horses, or specialized logging equipment can be used for skidding. Skidding methods vary in their impact on soils and the remaining stands.


Diversion of water from a stream or conduit by a shallow overflow.


(a) Tree tops, branches, bark, or other residue left on the ground after logging or other forestry operations. (b) Tree debris left after a natural catastrophe.


(a) A harvesting function of cutting felled trees into shorter lengths; also known as bucking. (b) a cleaning practice used in plantations to cut back less tough competing vegetation with a light cutting tool or machine.


Precipitation that consists of clear pellets of ice; sleet is formed when raindrops fall through a layer of cold air and freeze.


Protection of an embankment slope against wave action or erosion.


Place of deep mud or mire; wet or marshy place; side channel or inlet as from a river.