Measuring the depth of water.
Measuring the depth of water.
Human-caused activity or process that releases a greenhouse gas into the atmosphere.
The rocks from which fragments and other detached pieces have been derived to form a different rock.
Refers to a number of procurement practices, aimed at finding, evaluating and engaging suppliers of goods and services.
The State of the Voluntary Carbon Market (SOVCM) report series is an annual publication by Ecosystem Marketplace, which provides a comprehensive overview of the global supply and demand of voluntary carbon credits. The reports include data collected from market participants such as project developers and credit resellers, combined with registry data from major carbon credit […]
To produce or deposit eggs, as those of aquatic animals.
(SPP) A consumer option offered by an energy supplier distinct from the standard offering. The electricity associated with SPPs is often derived from renewable or other low-carbon energy sources, demonstrated by energy attribute certificates or other contracts.
Items such as household hazardous waste, bulky wastes (refrigerators, pieces of furniture, etc.) tires, and used oil.
Populations of organisms that may interbreed and produce fertile offspring having similar structure, habits, and functions.
The number of species (taxa) present in a defined area or sampling unit.