Gaging station where a continuous record of the discharge of a stream is obtained.
Gaging station where a continuous record of the discharge of a stream is obtained.
A distance of 1 mile along a line connecting the midpoints of the channel of a stream.
A ranking of the relative sizes of streams within a watershed based on the nature of their tributaries. The smallest unbranched tributary is called first order, the stream receiving the tributary is called second order, and so on.
A continuous part of a stream between two specified points.
Condition of a stream and its channel as it relates to erosive characteristics. It is “in regimen” if its channel has reached a stable form as the result of its flow characteristics.
Relations of water flow and chemistry between streams and aquifers that are hydraulically connected.
Channel through which a natural stream of water runs or used to run.
Discharge that occurs in a natural channel.
A line on a map that is parallel to the direction of fluid flow and shows flow patterns.
Verification services provided in interim years between full verifications. The verification body must perform the minimum set of activities that will allow it to conduct a risk-based assessment of materiality and to attain reasonable assurance in the findings presented in its verification statement. The minimum required activities include the risk-based assessment and the verification of […]