A scenario where future anthropogenic emissions by sources are projected to rise above current levels, due to the specific circumstances of the host Party.
A scenario where future anthropogenic emissions by sources are projected to rise above current levels, due to the specific circumstances of the host Party.
Runoff that travels over the land surface to the nearest stream channel.
Water supply from streams, lakes and reservoirs.
See Global mean surface temperature (GMST), Land surface air temperature, Global mean surface air temperature (GSAT) and Sea surface temperature (SST).
Water that is present on the ground or in a stream, river, lake, wetland or ocean.
One of the cornerstones of the Clean Water Act, the standards that define the water quality goals for Arizona streams and lakes. They provide the basis for controlling discharges of pollutants to surface waters.
Developed water supplies in excess of contract entitlement or apportioned water.
In the absence of a market, information can be drawn from related marketed goods to determine the use value of the non-marketed goods. The consumer behavior toward marketed goods reveals consumer’s preferences.
Set of activities, except reassessment, to monitor the continued fulfilment by accredited CABs of requirements of accreditation Note: Surveillance includes both surveillance on-site assessments and other surveillance activities, such as the following: a. Enquires from the Accreditation Body to the CAB on aspects concerning the accreditation; b. Reviewing the declarations of the CAB with respect […]
Sampling of a representative number of sites during a given hydrologic condition.