Maps with lines showing a region’s relief and position of natural and man-made features.
Maps with lines showing a region’s relief and position of natural and man-made features.
The general configuration of a land surface or any part of the Earth’s surface, including its relief and the position of its natural and man-made features.
A harvesting function of cutting off the top of a tree at predetermined, minimum diameter of the upper stem of a tree.
The top layer of soil; topsoil can grow better crops partly because it has more organic matter (humus), allowing it to hold more water than lower soil layers.
Refers to the concentration of a constituent regardless of its form (dissolved or bound) in a sample.
The sum of DDT and its metabolites (breakdown products), including DDD and DDE.
The accumulated total of all solids that might be dissolved in water.
A widely used framework to disaggregate the components of utilitarian value, including direct and indirect use value, option value, quasioption value and existence value.
Energy contained by fluid because of its pressure, velocity and elevation.
Total loss-absorbing capacity is an international standard, finalised by the Financial Stability Board (FSB) in November 2015, intended to ensure that global systemically important banks (G-Sibs) have enough equity and bail-in debt to pass losses to investors and minimise the risk of a government bailout. From January 1, 2019, G-Sibs are required to hold a […]