A system of easterly winds that dominate most of the tropics. A major component of the general circulation of the atmosphere.
A system of easterly winds that dominate most of the tropics. A major component of the general circulation of the atmosphere.
In a system of interrelated inputs and outputs, a trade-off refers to the procedure whereby changing one output can change other outputs. Often, but not always, as one increases one output, another decreases. Hence, you trade one for the other.
Organization or individual that transfers and manages FMUs in the Reserve software but does not develop its own projects. The trader/broker/retailer holds legal title and all beneficial ownership rights to the FMUs in its account or, with respect to FMUs that will be retired in a Group Retirement Subaccount, the trader/broker/retailer must be granted the […]
A financial institution’s trading book comprises assets intended for active trading. These can include equities, debt, commodities, foreign exchange, derivatives and other financial contracts. The portfolio of financial instruments in the trading book may be resold to benefit from short-term price fluctuations, used for hedging or traded to fulfil the firm’s or clients’ needs. The […]
Traditional knowledge, also known as local knowledge or indigenous knowledge, refers to collective ways of knowing that are deeply embedded in cultural traditions of a community or a region. Traditional knowledge draws on a depth of tacit skills, experiences and sensibilities that are passed down in oral traditions and practice-led guidance from generation to generation. […]
The development of skills pertaining to the application of and knowledge on risk policies and practices relevant to the board, employee, and stakeholder’s role or position
The purchase, sale, and other transfer of Assets held in the eVault
Pollution that originates in one country but, by crossing the border through pathways of water or air, is able to cause damage to the environment in another country.
Any transportation-related facility such as loading docks, parking areas, storage areas, or other similar areas where shipments of hazardous waste are temporarily held during the normal course of transportation.
A change in the fundamental attributes of natural and human systems.