Rough, upper-bound methods for estimating emissions. Approved methodologies in the GRP that are not found in Part III, Appendix D or annexes of the GRP or those that meet The Registry’s definition of Industry Best Practices are not Simplified Estimation Methods (SEMs). SEMs may be used to calculate emissions from one or more sources, for one or more gases, that, when aggregated, equal no more than five percent of the sum of an entity’s scope 1, scope 2 and biogenic emissions from stationary combustion, as determined on a CO2-e basis. SEMs include Registry-approved calculations where non-accepted activity data is used as an input. Where emission sources are small enough to be included within the five percent SEMs threshold, Members may elect to use non-Registry approved methods that are more accurate than the simplified upper bounds methods generally used to estimate very small sources without submitting a Member Derived Methodology Form, as long as the emissions are designated as SEMs.

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